Friday, February 3, 2012

Thankful To Dance

I really should start blogging more. I know I have a lot to say and to talk about. I want to start this post by stating how lucky I am to have dance in my life. I am someone who has to live with being bipolar, and used to I didn't know how to control the feelings I was experiencing within myself. Dance has become how I control it, and how I can pull myself out of the black abyss. Instead of using pharmaceuticals to control my moods, I turn towards something a lot more healthy. I turn towards dance.

That is only scratching the surface of all the things dance means to me, but it's a start, and a pretty good one. Through dance I have also found very special people to add to my life and who have helped me change for the better. People who I can now call my best friends, people who I can say I am thrilled to have met, and people who continue to inspire me from day to day. I've met teachers who have embraced me with open arms and continue to encourage me. I've also met acquaintances who make me smile every time I see them. And for that, I am thankful.

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